How Long Will My Social Security Disability Benefits Last?

If you are planning to apply for Social Security Disability benefits, or if you are currently receiving SSD benefits, you may be wondering how long they will last. Many people who are eligible for SSD benefits and begin receiving payments assume that their payments will last forever. However, you should not assume that SSD benefits will last indefinitely, and you should also understand how your SSD benefits will change when you receive your full retirement age. Our national Social Security Disability benefits attorneys can provide you with more information about what to expect for your SSD benefits and how long you should anticipate that you will continue to receive payments.
Reasons Social Security Disability Benefits End
There are many different reasons that Social Security Disability benefits can end. While some people who receive SSD benefits do have disabilities that are permanent in nature—thereby allowing the recipient to continue receiving payments until reaching the age of full retirement—other recipients can experience a loss of benefits depending upon the individual circumstances. What are some of the most common reasons that SSD benefits end? Consider the following:
- Going back to work and engaging in “substantial gainful activity” (SGA): In order to be eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits in the first place, the Social Security Administration (SSA) requires you to prove that your disability prevents you from engaging in substantial gainful activity. Accordingly, if you are able to return to work in a meaningful capacity, then you can engage in SGA, and you are not “disabled” according to the SSA’s definition and for purposes of obtaining disability benefits. While the amount changes based on inflation and other factors, if you earn more than $1,350 per month in 2022, you are said to be engaging in substantial gainful activity unless you are participating in the SSA’s “trial work period” or TWP program.
- Conviction of a crime that results in imprisonment: If you are convicted of a criminal offense while you are receiving Social Security Disability benefits and you are in jail or prison for more than 30 days, your SSD benefits will stop. In some cases, depending upon the type of criminal conviction, a felony can result in disability benefits ceasing even if you have not been imprisoned.
- You reach the full age of retirement: Once a person reaches the full age of retirement (a number that varies depending upon your birth year), that person will no longer receive Social Security Disability benefits. Instead, those benefits will convert to regular Social Security benefits associated with reaching the full age of retirement, regardless of a person’s disability status.
In some cases, other factors can also affect your SSD benefits, and you should seek advice from a disability benefits lawyer who can help.
Contact Our National SSD Benefits Attorneys for Assistance
If you have questions about the timeline for your Social Security Disability benefits, or if you need help because you have stopped receiving benefits and you believe it was in error, one of our experienced national SSD benefits lawyers can assist you. Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Barszcz to learn more about how our firm can help.