Timing And Your SSDI Benefits

Anyone who has suffered a debilitating injury or has been diagnosed with a debilitating illness may be thinking about filing for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. You may already know that, in order to be eligible for SSDI benefits, you will need to meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of a disability, and you will also need to have worked for a long enough period of time to have sufficiently “paid into” the system. When it comes time to file for SSDI benefits, there are many different numbers you will need to keep track of, both in terms of proving your eligibility for benefits, as well as waiting for and receiving benefits. The following are some key timelines and dates you should know. If you have additional questions, our national Social Security disability lawyers can assist you.
How Much Time Do I Need to Have Worked to Be Eligible for SSDI Benefits?
To be eligible for SSDI benefits, most people will need to have worked for at least 5 of the past 10 years to have enough credits to qualify. However, there are exceptions for younger workers and in certain other circumstances.
How Long Will I Need to Wait Before Receiving SSDI Benefit Payments?
For most SSDI benefit applicants, it will take five months until you begin to receive your disability benefit payments.
How Long Can I Continue to Receive SSDI Benefit Payments?
There is no time limit on receiving SSDI benefit payments as long as you remain disabled. Once you reach the age of retirement, the Social Security Administration may change the way in which you are paid because you will be eligible to start receiving regular Social Security payments, but there is importantly no cutoff date or limited amount of time for which a person is eligible to be paid SSDI benefits. It is important to note that this is distinct from disability benefits paid through workers’ compensation systems, which typically last for a finite amount of time.
When Should I Expect to Receive My SSDI Benefit Payments?
Another common question about timing is the pay schedule for SSDI benefit payments. Assuming that you are not already receiving benefits, the date on which you get your payment will be based on your birthday. For anyone who begins receiving SSDI benefits post-1997, the payment date each month depends upon the day your birth date falls:
- People with birth dates on the 1st through 10th of a month will receive their SSDI benefit payments on the second Wednesday of each month;
- People with birth dates on the 11th through 20th of a month will receive their SSDI benefit payments on the third Wednesday of each month; and
- People with birth dates on the 21st through 31st of a month will receive their SSDI benefit payments on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
Learn More from a National Disability Benefits Lawyer
Do you have questions about SSDI benefit eligibility or payments? One of our national disability benefits attorneys can speak with you today about your circumstances. Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Barszcz for more information.