What is the value of my schedule award?
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The value of the schedule award is dependent upon the amount of impairment that the particular injury has or that you have sustained as determined by the physician who evaluates you. Now, there’ll be a range for any particular injury, and you could be on the low end of the range, the high end, or somewhere in-between. But it’ll come down to what type of injury or body part is injured, and ultimately, are you at the low end, the middle end, or the high-end range for that impairment? Then, what happens is you are paid based upon the number for the impairment.
For instance, if you have a injury to your right upper extremity, your arm, you’re paid a percentage of 312 weeks. If it’s a 10% impairment, you would receive 10% of 312 or 31.2 weeks of pay for that injury.