Why Are SSDI Claims Denied?

If you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, it is essential to work with an experienced national disability benefits attorney on your claim from the beginning of the process. Even minor errors can result in SSDI benefits claims being denied, resulting in the need for an appeal. You should know that, even if you applied for benefits and were denied, you can work with one of our national disability benefits attorneys to appeal the denial of benefits and to seek the compensation you need and deserve. In the meantime, we want to provide you with more information about some of the most common reasons that SSDI claims are denied.
You Are Able to Engage in Substantial Gainful Activity
In order to be eligible for SSDI benefits, your injury or illness must prevent you from engaging in any substantial gainful activity, or SGA. Accordingly, even if your injury or illness prevents you from doing a job you normally do but allows you to work in another capacity and to earn money, the Social Security Administration, which oversees SSDI applications, might say that your injury or illness does not prevent you from engaging in substantial gainful activity and therefore will deny your benefits claim.
Your Application Lacks Sufficient Medical Evidence
SSDI benefits applications must include medical evidence to support the information you provide about your disabling illness or injury. If your application lacks sufficient medical evidence—even if you are able to get the medical evidence you need—your application can be denied.
Your Disability Is Not Expected to Last Long Enough
To be eligible for benefits, your disability must be expected to last at least 12 months or to result in death.
You Made a Mistake in the Forms You Submitted
A minor mistake on the forms you submit as part of your SSDI benefits application can lead to a denial of benefits. While a mistake in the materials likely means you will be eligible for benefits once you appeal the denial with help from your lawyer, you will need to go through a more complicated and lengthy process in order to get the benefits you need.
You Did Not Comply with Your Doctor’s Instructions
In some cases, failure to comply with your doctor’s orders concerning your disabling injury or illness can result in the Social Security Administration denying your disability benefits claim.
You Failed to Work with an SSDI Lawyer
Many claims are denied simply because the applicant failed to work with an SSDI benefits lawyer on their claim. The process of applying for benefits is extremely complicated, and it can be easy to make a minor error that can result in a denial of benefits. When you work with an attorney on your initial application, you can have an advocate on your side with years of experience handling SSDI claims.
Contact Our National Social Security Disability Benefits Lawyers Today
While it is always important to work with an experienced SSDI benefits lawyer on your case, you can still appeal with help from a lawyer if your claim has been denied. If your SSDI application was denied, our aggressive national Social Security disability attorneys can begin working with you today on your appeal. Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Barszcz to learn more about how we can assist you.