Why Do I Need an SSD Benefits Lawyer for My Case?

Social Security Disability benefits (SSD benefits) can be critical for anyone who is unable to work due to a disabling illness or injury, especially when that person does not have any other means of financial support. Yet a majority of applicants for SSD benefits are denied the first time after submitting an application, even if those individuals later obtain benefits after filing an appeal. To be sure, according to the Social Security Administration (SSA), only about 28 percent of applicants are awarded benefits after filing an initial claim, which means that more than 70 percent of applicants may be denied benefits upon initial application.
To be clear, the SSD benefits application process is complicated, and you should always have an experienced national disability benefits attorney on your side to give yourself the best chance of having your application approved. The following are just some of the key reasons you need an SSD benefits attorney for your case.
Preparing Your SSD Benefits Claim
Preparing an SSD benefits application can be much more complicated than you might think. The SSA requires very specific and detailed information that proves you have a disability as the SSA defines it. Even a minor error in your application can result in your claim being denied.
As we explained above, a majority of initial SSD benefits applications are denied the first time around. Most of those that are approved upon appeal involve assistance from a disability benefits attorney who understands the process and can help to correct the issues that occurred in the initial benefits application. Accordingly, you should have a disability benefits lawyer to help you prepare your claim for benefits so that you do not have to go through an appeals process.
Ensuring Your Claim Provides All Required Evidence and Documentation
In preparing your SSD application, your attorney can ensure that you have the appropriate medical documentation and evidence that proves your disability meets the SSA’s definition, and your attorney can also ensure that all of the necessary medical evidence comes from an “acceptable medical source” (or AMS) according to the SSA’s definition. If you do not have all of the necessary documentation, or if it is not supplied by an appropriate source, your claim can be denied.
Filing an Appeal If Your SSD Benefits Are Denied
If you received a denial of benefits, you should not wait to hire a Social Security Disability benefits lawyer who can assist with your appeal. Whether you are going through the initial appeal process or you must take your case to court, you will want to have a lawyer on your side who is familiar with the procedures and requirements of the appeal, and can help to ensure that you receive benefits if you are eligible.
Contact Our National Disability Benefits Attorneys for Assistance
We know how critical SSD benefits are for many Americans who are suffering from debilitating illnesses and injuries, and we want to ensure that you do everything possible to obtain the benefits you deserve. If you have questions about filing for disability benefits, or if you need assistance appealing an SSD benefits denial, our experienced national Social Security disability lawyers are here to help you with your case. Do not hesitate to reach out to our firm to learn more about the services we provide to clients across the country. Contact the Law Offices of Stephen Barszcz to get started on your claim.